If you see tags starting with gcontent followed by one or more words inside of square brackets — such as [gcontent handle-name] — when working in the Shopify admin of your store, this is normal.
If you see these tags on front end of your store (public view), then there is an issue with the app. Here are some troubleshooting steps to follow:
- Check that the Shopkeeper Global Content app is installed, active and you have an active subscription
- If you canceled your subscription, you will need to manually remove all tags
- Check that you've followed the setup steps here
- Check that you've created a content block with the handle you're trying to use
- Check that you're using the exact handle name you selected when you created the content block; this must be exactly the same so we recommend copy and pasting (any typos, extra spaces or mismatched capital or lowercase letters may cause issues, so double check this)
- Check that your shortcode starts with gcontent — this is required and the content block won't work without it
- If you're using the tag in Liquid files, try testing it in a product or collection description, blog post or page content; if it works there but not in the Liquid file, you may need to hire a developer to help resolve the issue
- Check if you're trying to use the tag in a place that does not support it