This short guide will go over how you can Hide or Replace collections based on how you want your Shopify Store setup, and how your zones are configured.
First, make sure you enter our Product Filtering section within the app. Clicking on this will drop down a menu. From here, you can click on Collections. This section of the app is important for those using our ASL app - if you don't list a collection here, it won't be affected by the app and run like normal. So keep that in mind if you'd like to have any Collections visible to everyone, or if you want to configure them all.
Redirecting Collections:
Scroll down to the Collection Configuration grid, this is where all the magic happens. Type in the collection you'd like to select in the left-most column, typing it in partially will show the Collection list below as auto-fill. Once you're done that, you can configure where you'd like the consumer to be redirected to if they click on the link. So if you have a North American Juices and European Juices collections, you can list under your NA zone the NA juice collection, and under EU for the European collection.
Once you finish setting up the redirects for each collection, make sure you click the square indicated in the picture above with a red square. The option indicated by the blue square is where you can set it so only products within collections will be visible. This way, you won't run the risk of any loose products making it through the filtering settings.
Hiding Collections:
If you'd like to make it so the collection doesn't appear to a zone at all, keep the zone blank. As long as the collection has been listed here, it will begin filtering based on your configuration. If you'd like to remove a collection filter, click the red X on the far right of the Collection table. Once you've completed these steps, make sure to Save Collection Configuration before viewing the updates on your Shopify store!