WARNING:  For any filters to work, product filtering MUST be enabled by clicking the green Product Filtering button in the drop-down menu in the left sidebar.


What does Filter by Collection do?

Filter by Collection allows you to define collection-zone relationships. When a visitor from a zone lands on a collection page that is included in this list, but not available in their zone, they will be redirected to your shop homepage, unless a collection is selected in the corresponding zone column.  This means you can choose which zones get to see which collections

It can be accessed from the 'Product Filtering' section from the drop-down menu in the left sidebar and can be enabled by clicking the 'Enabled/Disabled' near the top of the page. 


How do I set it up?

To create a filter, enter the first five characters of the collection name in one of the empty fields under the 'Collection Name' column.


Now, choose the zones you would like the collection to be available in by clicking the checkboxes for the fields to the right OR enter an alternate collection by typing in the first five characters of the collection name.  You may be able to pull up all the collection names by typing in 'collections'.

If you choose 'Redirect to Collections', it will redirect the visitor to the collections page.


Collection links and blocks will also be removed from all menus and other pages, as long as the Settings at the bottom of this page are correct, and the settings are defined in the List Corrections section



Now, click the Save Collection Configuration button if you are satisfied with your configuration.


Deleting filters

A filter can be removed by clicking the red Delete button at the end of a row on the far right.


Still need help?  Please do not hesitate to click the "Support" button at the top of the app interface.