WARNING:  For any filters to work, product filtering MUST be enabled by clicking the green Product Filtering button in the drop-down menu in the left sidebar. 


What does Filter by Product do?

Filter by Product allows you to filter products based on the visitors" zone and can be accessed from Product Filtering in the drop-down menu in the left sidebar.  Customers will only see products they are meant to see.

When a visitor reaches a page with any of the products on this list (that is not defined in their zone), they are redirected to an equivalent product in their zone that you decide on.

If no product is defined for a visitor's zone, they will be redirected to the home page. Visitors will be able to view products normally if they are not filtered below.

It can be accessed from the "Product Filtering" section from the drop-down menu in the left sidebar and can be enabled by clicking the "Enabled/Disabled" near the top of the page. You can do this once you have configured your product relations and are ready to activate the feature on your store.




Be sure to also confirm that the settings in Theme Configuration are correct by clicking "Theme Settings".

Now we can add the products to be filtered.


How do I set it up?

Products can be added by clicking "Select a Product" and typing in at least the first four characters of the product name and a result(s) should automatically appear in a drop-down list for you to choose from.


Click the Save Products Configuration button if you are satisfied with your configuration.


Removing Products

Products can be removed by clicking the  icon under the product link.


Changing Product Names

Product names can be changed by clicking the  icon under the product link.


Still need help?  Please do not hesitate to click the "Support" button at the top of the app interface.