If the gift recipient does not appear to have received the gift card notification initiated by the gift giver, here are some troubleshooting steps:
- Verify that the gift giver (the person who bought the gift card originally) clicked on the link in the email notification Shopify sends them and scheduled the gift card to be sent.
- Check that the gift giver entered a correct and current email address for the recipient.
- Have the recipient check the "junk" or "spam" folder in their email account. Sometimes our notifications end up here inadvertently.
- In some cases, gift recipients may not recognized the gift card as being legitimate and may either delete, archive or mark the message as spam. In these cases, the recipient may be able to retrieve the email from the "trash" or "all mail" folder.
- Finally, just like with postal mail, emails can sometimes get "lost" on their way to the intended recipients. Sometimes this is due to a server the email passes through rejecting or blocking it or many other reasons.
Please note that, because of numerous factors outside our control, we cannot guarantee that gift card notifications will be delivered correctly. However, all gift cards remain active and usable until disabled and there are a variety of ways to resend the gift card details to the purchaser.