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ShopKeeper Gift Card
All ShopKeeper Gift Card Apps FAQs
What level of Shopify account is required to use your gift card apps?
Where do my customers enter the recipient's email address?
What happens to my gift cards if I cancel my app subscription?
Is there a limit on how many gift cards I can sell?
What features are missing from the free edition?
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ShopKeeper Branded Gift Cards App FAQs
How is the Branded Gift Card app different from your other apps?
File requirements for branded design files provided for integration
Providing your own images for branded designs
What kind of information and files should I send if you're designing my gift card?
Designing your branded gift card yourself.
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ShopKeeper Easy Gift Cards App FAQs
What does the 'easy' gift card app do?
What do the gift cards created by the 'easy' gift card app look like?
Can I offer more than one gift card design using the 'easy' app?
Customer previews of Easy Gift Cards
ShopKeeper Gift Card Scheduler FAQs
Is there a limit on how many gift card notifications I can send?
When can my customers schedule their gift cards to be sent?
Can customers send the gift card immediately?
Do I have to have any other apps for the gift card scheduler app to work?
What if the gift giver does not receive the email notification?
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