Please note that uninstalling apps using the steps below will not automatically stop billing. To cancel your subscription to any app, you need to go under "Apps" in your Shopify dashboard and click "Delete."
To remove one of ShopKeeper gift card apps, you will need to complete a series of manual steps.
- Open your gift card product(s) and check if its template is set to the default one and not gift_card.skt_card.liquid.
- Delete the file gift_card.skt_card.liquid in the Templates folder of your theme code if present.
- Delete the file skt_gc_lineitems.liquid in the Snippets folder of your theme code if present.
- If you use a branded or easy gift card app, delete skt_brandedgc.liquid or gift_card.skt_easygc.liquid in the Templates folder.
- Remove the "skt_gc_lineitems" code. This is typically in product-template.liquid, product.liquid or product-form.liquid, depending on your theme.
- Remove the "Edit" and "Preview" buttons from your product template or product description. These are two <a> tags with the class names skt_gc_button_container and skt_gc_preview_button_container.