All of our gift card app plans come with access to our exclusive gift card design library. The library features over 500 designs for your customers to pick from in a wide range of categories.
Free plan users have access to a limited number of designs, while paid subscribers get full access to the entire library (you can see which designs are reserved for paid subscribers by looking for the "Pro" icon on the gallery page).
Paid users also get control over which designs are shown. You can modify this under the app dashboard's "Gift card designs" section as shown here:
If you are a paid user and switch this option to "no" you can then click the "Select designs" button to load our design library. The loading process can take a few moments, so please be patient.
The design library loads as a sidebar on the app dashboard, as shown here:
You can check the box next to each design that should be shown to your customers.
If you only want to disable a few designs, it may be easier to check the "select all" checkbox at the very top of the sidebar and then uncheck the ones you do not want to use.
There is no way to disable an entire category, but if you disable all of the designs in a category, the category name will no longer appear during the customization process, if applicable.